24/7 Drug Addiction Treatment

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 Insurance May Cover 100% Cost of Treatment*

We do not accept Medicare or Medicaid.

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Residential Treatment

Facilities offer a 24-hour, medically supervised, Residential Treatment program in multiple locations.

Partial Hospitalization

Partial hospitalization program is the most comprehensive outpatient program available and utilizes a multidisciplinary team of qualified professionals. 

Medical Detox

Medical detox is designed to provide the most comfortable, cutting-edge detoxification methods. Privacy, safety and comfort is our priority.


Trusted Treatment Provider

Licensed & Accredited. Read our reviews.

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Get Premium Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Now

Specialized addiction treatment programs that offers a medically safe, comfortable detox and residential services. Most staff are in long term recovery and have found a passion in delivering the best treatment to those seeking freedom from their own drug addictions. You can be assured that your loved one or yourself will be provided top-notch care from the highly qualified team of licensed professionals.

Most Insurance Plans Accepted
24hr Medically Supervised
Residential Treatment
Comfortable Medical Detox

Private Rooms with TV
Custom Catered Meals
Addiction Counseling Services
Customized Treatment Programs
Partial Hospitalization Program

Daily Gym/Yoga Encouraged


We've helped thousands of people end their addiction.

#1 Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment

 Insurance Covers 100% Cost of Treatment*

Maximize Your Insurance
Up to 100% Covered

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Maximize Your Insurance.
Up to 100% Covered


We've helped thousands of people end their addiction.

#1 Rated Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Recovery Institute of Ohio is a specialized addiction treatment program that offers affordable residential and intensive outpatient services. Our founder and staff are in long term recovery and have found a passion in delivering the best treatment to those seeking freedom from their own drug addictions. You can be assured that your loved one or yourself will be provided top-notch care from our highly qualified team of licensed professionals.

We have specialized addiction treatment programs that offers premium detox and residential services. Our founders and staff are in long term recovery and have found a passion in delivering the best treatment to those seeking freedom from their own addictions. You can be assured that your loved one or yourself will be provided top-notch care from our highly qualified team of licensed professionals.

​1-877-503-1014CALL NOW ​1-877-503-1014CALL NOW 1-888-626-5371

Most Insurance Plans Accepted
24hr Medical Supervised
Customized Treatment Programs

We take a proven approach to addiction treatment. Almost everyone you will come into contact with during treatment is in recovery and has firsthand, personal experience with everything you are going through. 

Our large alumni network includes events and mentorship to help ensure you have a strong support system during and after treatment. While many facilities take a standardized, ‘boxed’ approach to drug rehab, we provide custom-tailored treatment programs designed to first diagnose the underlying causes and behaviors specific to your addiction. 

Your individualized treatment program will include separate therapy groups based on your experiences and a residential living experience to help you discover recovery in peace and tranquility. We then help you formulate habits and healthy behaviors to manage negative emotions and triumph over difficult situations without using harmful chemicals to provide temporary, false relief. Our comprehensive treatment programs focus on all aspects of the recovery process including:

Mental health and stability
Physical healing
Neurological strength
Emotional and spiritual well-being 

Our team only has one goal: to help all of our clients claim victory over their addictions by providing the highest level of quality services possible in a nurturing environment. Our programs are designed to empower and define a positive outlook so you can discover the endless possibilities of what your life can be after overcoming addiction. You do not have to face your addiction alone – let the loving team here help forge your path to recovery!

What To Expect At Our Rehab Facility 

Once you arrive, an intake specialist will help guide you through the first day of treatment. Throughout the first week clients typically meet with a psychiatrist, medical doctor and establish their treatment plan. This will include meeting with their therapist for an individual therapy session where they will put together the best treatment plan for their individual needs. Clients can expect to attend group session daily and attend daily 12 Step meetings, as well as 3 meals daily and activities on the weekend.

We believe in allowing clients the opportunity to learn about having fun in recovery. Whether it is attending local AA or NA events or attending the movies many people don’t understand these experiences without drugs & alcohol. It is important in early recovery to learn how to participate in life, sober.

Why Is Detox Necessary When Treating Addiction?
The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all solution to addiction. Some achieve long-term recovery without a relapse, and others relapse consistently. The staff here understands this and why we believe in an individualized approach to treating addiction. Our experienced clinicians and staff utilize various therapies to put together a treatment plan that addresses the core of your substance abuse. You or your loved one will have the opportunity to attend sessions using the most up-to-date therapies such as:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Creative Therapies like Art & Music
Relapse Prevention Education
Life-skill Training
Health, Wellness & Fitness 

These are just a few of the therapies that clients can expect to participate in throughout their stay, based on their individual needs

Get Help Today & Call Our Drug Rehab Treatment Center 

Whether it is yourself or a loved one who is suffering from an addiction to drugs and alcohol, we can help. Our expertly-trained staff and comfortable accommodations allow each client to participate in their individualized drug rehab plan. Contact us today!

Why Choose Us?

Don't Delay. Get Help Now.

Get all the information you need from our supportive staff members.

​1-877-503-1014CALL NOW ​1-877-503-1014

Why Choose The Us?

This is a proven approach to addiction treatment. Almost everyone you will come into contact with during treatment is in recovery and has firsthand, personal experience with everything you are going through. 

Large alumni network include events and mentorship to help ensure you have a strong support system during and after treatment. While many facilities take a standardized, ‘boxed’ approach to drug rehab, we provide custom-tailored treatment programs designed to first diagnose the underlying causes and behaviors specific to your addiction. 

Your individualized treatment program will include separate therapy groups based on your experiences and a residential living experience to help you discover recovery in peace and tranquility. We then help you formulate habits and healthy behaviors to manage negative emotions and triumph over difficult situations without using harmful chemicals to provide temporary, false relief. Our comprehensive treatment programs focus on all aspects of the recovery process including:

Mental health and stability
Physical healing
Neurological strength
Emotional and spiritual well-being 

The teams only has one goal: to help all of our clients claim victory over their addictions by providing the highest level of quality services possible in a nurturing environment. Our programs are designed to empower and define a positive outlook so you can discover the endless possibilities of what your life can be after overcoming addiction. You do not have to face your addiction alone – let the loving team here help forge your path to recovery!

What To Expect At Our Rehab Facility 

Once you arrive, an intake specialist will help guide you through the first day of treatment. Throughout the first week clients typically meet with a psychiatrist, medical doctor and establish their treatment plan. This will include meeting with their therapist for an individual therapy session where they will put together the best treatment plan for their individual needs. Clients can expect to attend group session daily and attend daily 12 Step meetings, as well as 3 meals daily and activities on the weekend.

We believe in allowing clients the opportunity to learn about having fun in recovery. Whether it is attending local AA or NA events or attending the movies many people don’t understand these experiences without drugs & alcohol. It is important in early recovery to learn how to participate in life, sober.

Why Is Detox Necessary When Treating Addiction?
The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all solution to addiction. Some achieve long-term recovery without a relapse, and others relapse consistently. The staff here understands this and why we believe in an individualized approach to treating addiction. Our experienced clinicians and staff utilize various therapies to put together a treatment plan that addresses the core of your substance abuse. You or your loved one will have the opportunity to attend sessions using the most up-to-date therapies such as:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Creative Therapies like Art & Music
Relapse Prevention Education
Life-skill Training
Health, Wellness & Fitness 

These are just a few of the therapies that clients can expect to participate in throughout their stay, based on their individual needs

Get Help Today & Call Our Drug Rehab Treatment Center 

Whether it is yourself or a loved one who is suffering from an addiction to drugs and alcohol, we can help. Our expertly-trained staff and comfortable accommodations allow each client to participate in their individualized drug rehab plan. Contact us today!

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